India’s Premiere Defense Electronics Contractor Uses MaxPatrol to keep its Classified Information Private

State-owned military systems manufacturer, Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) has deployed MaxPatrol from Positive Technologies to provide automated vulnerability and compliance management of its IT infrastructure without transferring any of its confidential data off-site.

When searching for a compliance and vulnerability solution, BEL’s military connections and customers meant that its top priority was to find a solution that would keep its trade secrets and intellectual property safe from prying eyes. It therefore needed a solution that would operate in “offline” mode, devoid of any external public network connections. Unlike many of its cloud-based competitors, MaxPatrol can function without connection to any external systems.

Following the installation of MaxPatrol at its headquarters in Bangalore, BEL now uses the system to provide automated checks on its systems, monitoring compliance with the required legal and regulatory standards as well as checking for vulnerabilities to help reduce the risk of economic and reputational damage due to cyber-attacks.

About BEL

Established in 1954 by the Government of India under the Ministry of Defense, BEL makes a variety of advanced electronic equipment with both civil and military uses, including telecommunications, sonar and radar systems, missiles, tank electronics, fire control systems and electronic voting machines. A major supplier of the Indian Armed Forces, BEL employs more than 10,000 staff and operates nine factories and a number of regional offices around India.

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