Klimentiy Galkin, Junior Threat Intelligence Specialist, Positive Technologies Expert Security Center
Stanislav Pyzhov, Lead Threat Research Specialist, Positive Technologies Expert Security Center
- We have detected a malicious campaign targeting the Middle East and North Africa.
- The campaign, which leverages social media to distribute malware, is tied to the region's current geopolitical climate.
- The attackers host malware in legitimate online file-sharing accounts or Telegram channels set up specially for this purpose.
- The malware itself is a modified version of AsyncRAT.
- Since fall 2024, approximately 900 victims have been identified in various countries.
In February, the Threat Intelligence Department team at the Positive Technologies Expert Security Center (PT ESC) discovered a malicious campaign targeting the Middle East and North Africa and active since September 2024. To distribute malware, the attackers create fake news groups on social media and publish advertisements containing links to a file-sharing service or Telegram channel. These links lead to a version of the AsyncRAT malware, modified to look for cryptocurrency wallets and communicate with a Telegram bot. A similar campaign was described by Check Point in 2019, but some of the techniques used in the kill chain have evolved since then.
Detailed analysis of the incidents and victims showed that Egypt, Libya, the UAE, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey were the most targeted countries. We have named the threat actor "Desert Dexter", after one of the suspected attackers. This story contains the full breakdown of their kill chain.
How the attack begins: ad posts
Our investigation has found that the attackers create temporary accounts and news channels on Facebook*. Later, these channels post ads like those shown below.

This is how the posts appear in the user's feed.

The attackers bypass Facebook's* ad filtering rules, which vary by country. Here is an excerpt from the ad placement policy.

One of the posts in Arabic:
عاجل | تقرير مسرّب من مخا.ـبرات الاسرائـ ـ.ـيلية تكشف عن اجتماع سـ ـ.ـري بين مسؤول إماراتي "طحـ.ـن ون بن زايد" مع مسؤول سوري "ما.هر الأسد" يكشف ان هناك تخطيط لدخول سوريا باستعانة طائرات اسر.ائـ ـيلية بدعم إماراتي .
لإطلاع على التقرير المسرب :
Translation into English:
Urgent | A leaked report from Israeli intelligence reveals a secret meeting between an Emirati official "Tahna Bin Zayed" and a Syrian official "Maher Al-Assad" revealing that there is a plan to enter Syria with the help of Israeli aircraft with Emirati support. To view the leaked report:
The ads also include a link to either or Telegram channels that host a malicious file (see Figure 5). A distinct pattern emerges when examining these channel titles: they are trying to look like real media companies:
- Libya Press,
- Sky News,
- Almasar TV,
- The Libya Observer,
- The Times Of Israel,
- Alhurra TV,
- VoiceQatar,
- Step News Agency,
- Watan,
- Al Ain,
- UAE Voice, and others.

Modifications of AsyncRAT
The kill chain consists of several stages. The victim receives a RAR archive from a Telegram channel or a link in an ad message. The archive contains either one or two BAT files, or a single JS file. These are designed to run a PowerShell script, which is either downloaded or extracted from a JavaScript file, to trigger the second stage of the attack.

It is worth noting that the comments in the JavaScript file are written in Arabic, possibly indicating the attacker's origin.
In the second stage of the attack, the PowerShell script terminates processes associated with .NET services that could prevent the malware from starting:
- CCleanerBrowser.exe,
- aspnet_regbrowsers.exe,
- aspnet_compiler.exe,
- AppLaunch.exe,
- InstallUtil.exe,
- jsc.exe,
- MSBuild.exe,
- RegAsm.exe,
- cvtres.exe,
- RegSvcs.exe.
It then deletes files with the extensions BAT, PS1, and VBS from C:\ProgramData\WindowsHost and C:\Users\Public, and creates a VBS file in C:\ProgramData\WindowsHost as well as BAT and PS1 files in C:\Users\Public, to run sequentially.

To establish persistence in the system, the script replaces the user startup folder in the registry with C:\ProgramData\WindowsHost by altering the Startup value in the keys Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders and Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders. After that, the PowerShell script generates a GUID for malware installation and saves it in the file %APPDATA%\device_id.txt, gathers system information, and sends it to the attackers' Telegram bot, formatted as follows.
Hack By WORMS:
- Device ID: <Malware installation GUID>
- HWID: <CPU or motherboard ID>
- Public IP: <External IP address>
- Country: <Country>
- Username: <Username>
- Computer Name: <Computer name>
- Antivirus: <Name of installed antivirus>
The script takes a screenshot, saves it as %TEMP%\screenshot.png, and sends it to the Telegram bot.
After all the preparatory steps, the Visual Basic, Batch, and PowerShell scripts run one by one to run/execute in memory the payload. Finally, the malware decodes a custom reflective loader written in C# and attempts to inject code, first into C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_compiler.exe, and if that cannot be found, into C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_compiler.exe. Figure 9 shows the full kill chain.

This version of AsyncRAT uses a modified IdSender module, which checks browsers for a two-factor authentication extension and the following crypto wallet extensions:
- Authenticator F2A (Brave, Chrome, Edge);
- Binance Wallet (Chrome, Edge);
- Bitget Wallet (Chrome);
- BitPay (Chrome);
- Coinbase Wallet (Chrome);
- MetaMask (Brave, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, OperaGX);
- Phantom (Brave, Chrome);
- Ronin Wallet (Chrome);
- TronLink (Chrome);
- Trust Wallet (Chrome).
AsyncRAT also checks for the following crypto wallet applications:
- Atomic Wallet,
- Binance,
- Bitcoin Core,
- Coinomi,
- Electrum Wallet,
- Ergo Wallet,
- Exodus,
- Ledger Live.
Additionally, this modification of AsyncRAT includes a basic offline keylogger. It installs a hook with the help of the SetWindowsHookEx function, and logs pressed keys and the active process name to %TEMP%\Log.tmp.
Network infrastructure
The AsyncRAT configuration employs DDNS domains whose IP addresses belong to VPN services. However, given the small number of detected malicious files and domains, these IP addresses are essentially unique and can be used for attribution. Below is a diagram of the cluster we discovered, with the domain names exhibiting semantic similarity and the VPN IP addresses belonging to the same provider's network.

Suspected Desert Dexter member
While reviewing messages sent to the hackers' Telegram bot, we noticed that some of the screenshots included snippets of a PowerShell script that contained logic for retrieving system information and communicating with the Telegram bot. Additionally, in one of the screenshots, we spotted Luminosity Link RAT, a tool whose creator was arrested in 2018. Some versions of the utility, including the one used by the attacker, can be found on GitHub.

Given that the malware takes a screenshot immediately after the victim's system is infected, a pattern can be identified. The screenshots with the PowerShell script were taken in a system named "DEXTER" or "DEXTERMSI". Furthermore, when a chat with the Telegram bot starts, the user sends a link to a channel that also contains the name dexter in the title. The substring ly in the channel name suggests a possible Libyan origin. This is confirmed by geolocation data sent by the malware and the Arabic comments in the PowerShell script. The attacker's channel showcases hacked iOS applications.

Figure 16. Number of potential victims across different countries
In the course of our analysis, we discovered about 900 potential victims. We identified them by using messages from the Telegram bot, specifically the Device ID field, and desktop screenshots sent to the bot. The majority of victims are ordinary users, including employees in the following sectors:
- Oil production
- Construction
- Information technology
- Agriculture
The Middle East and North Africa remain one of the world's most volatile regions. The geopolitical climate contributes to a significant number of cyberattacks there, aimed at both state agencies and everyday individuals, with these attacks becoming increasingly sophisticated. Political relations between nations are a common phishing lure.
The tools used by Desert Dexter are not particularly sophisticated. However, the combination of Facebook* ads with legitimate services and references to the geopolitical situation has led to the infection of numerous devices. By publishing posts alleging the leakage of confidential data, the group creates a kill chain that is universally applicable for infecting devices of both ordinary users and high-profile officials. We continue to track the activities of Desert Dexter in Arab countries.
Indicators of compromise
Network indicators
Indicator |
https://files[.]fm/f/yqsvtu99kn |
https://files[.]fm/u/y5dys7zp96 |
https://files[.]fm/f/t5pp6hv9w4 |
https://files[.]fm/f/9xxadwws3e |
https://files[.]fm/f/jp4nmyz3e7 |
https://files[.]fm/f/62yub4t3xu |
https://files[.]fm/f/3mtfufs9uu |
https://files[.]fm/f/z945eq5r6d |
https://files[.]fm/f/ykxqvg9zt4 |
https://files[.]fm/f/9kqrkq4wqu |
https://files[.]fm/f/3npt84t4fn |
https://files[.]fm/f/ux28ecfzvj |
https://files[.]fm/f/nyxwvypjw9 |
https://files[.]fm/f/9hk7x9ppcg |
https://files[.]fm/f/h5ufvb4xpc |
https://files[.]fm/f/b4tvte22sv |
https://files[.]fm/f/gdezxx73br |
https://files[.]fm/f/wjmn8b82ge |
https://files[.]fm/f/cjvc28m3j5 |
https://files[.]fm/f/2fwuanhk3t |
https://files[.]fm/f/ts8hzkrmm9 |
https://files[.]fm/f/w89z65su8e |
https://files[.]fm/f/v9dmzyk6ch |
https://files[.]fm/f/54fvu5sr4x |
https://files[.]fm/f/cg3yjvgtem |
https://files[.]fm/f/n553v7ycsa |
https://files[.]fm/f/evtg4qmz4f |
https://files[.]fm/f/fgcnsf7r8v |
https://files[.]fm/f/2fvbg9vr5r |
https://files[.]fm/f/2deytc9v4n |
https://files[.]fm/f/bp4jshj9yy |
https://files[.]fm/f/fkgns7tc3g |
https://files[.]fm/f/er3v3jte6c |
https://files[.]fm/f/2eu98w8ghm |
https://files[.]fm/f/w2269c2s3n |
https://files[.]fm/f/pwkjge962n |
https://t[.]me/NwesWaten |
https://t[.]me/VoiceAE2024 |
https://t[.]me/ListNames1 |
https://t[.]me/News2025News |
https://t[.]me/AlainNwes |
https://t[.]me/UeaNwes |
https://t[.]me/Al0Saa/ |
https://t[.]me/TheNwes2025 |
https://t[.]me/LibyaPrees |
https://t[.]me/TheLensLy |
https://t[.]me/TheLensNwes |
https://t[.]me/NwesLibya |
https://t[.]me/TVAlmasar |
https://t[.]me/LaamNwes |
https://t[.]me/NwesLibya2025 |
https://t[.]me/NewsStepAgency |
https://t[.]me/AlhurraTVNwes |
https://t[.]me/alwasatLY |
https://t[.]me/AlmasarNewsTV |
https://t[.]me/TheLibyaObserver |
https://t[.]me/News2025Nwes |
https://t[.]me/AlhurraTV2025 |
https://t[.]me/SkyNwes2025 |
https://t[.]me/StepNews2025 |
https://t[.]me/WatenNews1 |
https://t[.]me/SkyNewsBreaking |
https://t[.]me/AlhurraTv2025 |
https://t[.]me/NwesLaam |
https://t[.]me/AlmasarTVnews |
https://t[.]me/News2025Breaking |
https://t[.]me/NewsBreaking2025 |
https://t[.]me/TimeIsraelNEWS |
https://t[.]me/VoiceQatar |
https://t[.]me/ListNameAE |
https://t[.]me/ListNameNwes |
https://t[.]me/ListNamesSaudi |
sexzsex1.ddnsfree[.]com |
lovlysexy.freeddns[.]org |
dick2024.ddnsfree[.]com |
pdflove.ddnsfree[.]com |
ohsexoh.freeddns[.]org |
sex2024.freeddns[.]org |
fuck1up.freeddns[.]org |
ducksex.ddnsfree[.]com |
File-based indicators
MD5 | SHA-1 | SHA-256 |
c18828769cf0ee4159b0f73bcb1febb5 | 3ace4c356fd2a7d359e59263d81de9a138da3eeb | 1791d00fbe569489f48cf5e56b9a2a9b71d3c17096df4982668f51d512b820c5 |
075fdf5c8b4409c1f39d175f4941c5da | 755649612fb6b8d31165dd729d6044e62a5a2c99 | 1d9a6edc55a547b9e522b3dd7f40aebc3f1c4761070294cc56e328800569fc45 |
7eda3a423372b7d39da6fb01d2a681d6 | 767ff3096314e9a83177724b9fe9d2f04e8feae7 | 630c9ae8b4cbbe71c78bdc6f7da81a7d5de00cd7d8157021fd0aec870248c9eb |
f20f5bf86c65ad5d7d8e04f50e0fdd6a | e5a2d21fff7ebc448e6cc58f4b10427f82033841 | b2e678427428898f46899140fea44fcad52acf5a614427981d357b23d5f77607 |
7d6aa05580c83825c688211f1e71b72a | e1650405a2061dec28d8cb770964902028d0cf4a | df07b378a833528cca8012ec0bd65f06372ccf23262b9930c246d8758cef342a |
45801650db5dbc718c6bc5cace4832af | 246e5dbb718afdd6be95fda076724bcdca484e1d | 24f2877c5a47480f7873d8ae0c3f85ad16a3e656a058a92f38d358eb37cdc48f |
cdc521cfab18cf6b0b72c87e9018120b | 7e3d8f52eaf5b17693a0ca98fa837d3349a35a4f | 704eabc86b2b3e7bc008059b59ceee8282847b08eb888c576b9105d0bd8f3c83 |
1946b638e4e2c0f5fdc371a9e9c01bc1 | 5c7903ebe2cb97475e5505a3116464423c614706 | 8593a6c8fe6c98fd8c4d9b947e58066fd25bda10454da3f59b527a02795639e2 |
a7f582c808f39659a53feecef6c3ebfe | 2d27b137a1136cb96a746de8fff7d51dd5c014a8 | b9d613cf9ff332a3269223ed553e9806038de764f89abfe6f7f9cfe7595ad7a9 |
238f84f74dd3367c1068d31f025eb05e | ca13c7619f5fbac8ab0153ced50f1929f512b1eb | d8b2ea2b8e256df386b1a55a1aabdb1ec8a96f6b7f13ab41d0641da8386d24e6 |
30fd61ec57dec347989030caaf0ec6e0 | e03b8fc93f8a7366adf3dcc482147f6fed1c4bb3 | 260a773be1ad179da987b22a87abf2eaac93fdf26c4e37b053f1ab2bbf1add82 |
294c8b3bc2c198795b20efa684c35b65 | 1a2afb6af4b54fc266d4a66f848afcb990ce237e | b7341efc8e08b5243091c23fd4775cf5b3b6227d7e15baf8ad9ed79cba74709d |
013ecb281bf4f5c25e7823d522895cdb | 17f77c83a6dfa7f2a6ed5c65a3671434b4851950 | 5f3e6175c93e9f070f35d6c10c995b92264a06987af335a85d47fd8825562c3a |
e0415f4d3d8122214a3098ec6baa8dc6 | 90f7996a7c2278c6fa1fba93c3ede85c94680106 | 6a117f3ba96c3ff1ac073f90e648a45ffb3f86566144ba526a17ff46d31d679f |
195f42f7e6cc6416da279446c9fd10ee | 537bea04526fe7f01f84ea765fa6a89fcc51d9bf | 6f38b9d1db71631887f8a0cc241c2d3e74237ed30c4e46a26cf92d6702860795 |
6276af8151adad9b2e248faccae43d83 | 66c8f50c0150e3c538a14608da68c7d928bb3d85 | 8e509cfc8711b0828cbdbac0e40a81628129015952d7011052068311c1e63063 |
a400fe79f7d615e35550a8a15cbc31a9 | d88d5110ebe30c8ad3fd215a4bd85388c6113076 | e61e533b6a88e899bf008d751725b2e3c52bf6871c80ce41ef4c520f7e4bf663 |
261d067103910dcdb5a966a9d6cbf917 | 626e7394e9efb8b8496768d87de8d9288a0021d3 | f2225e97cb7f79fd2759117581a365300897860586aa12f3197def215ce3ef2a |
50301fc5d522055e29b2122958263acc | 905592e41e54e1d971390cbbd99e9ead72efd834 | 3014d48f6f667b6a6130b1ec2821073057c45a03f329ea6cecafc84784dd2252 |
64ddb41e380281a2440eb93af06c2fe7 | 089e077bdba26833b848fac22a13d744aeb0b770 | 31d36f325ba63cf9e08cf7c0c08099089206cb9de556549491a6874e7f9101c7 |
1a50f670c9d8a0c6ed60a26423f38c6c | 763068d2c6a7771584126956cc8fca76f5d8ee6c | 323fc0987bb2bc7d2f8aa1d6cb6db4901330b2874f01722ae5586ced09bba4fd |
1b4e81246bc9bdcfa554d5c2343cde4b | 04533e810bd33936c596e7cfd30a36ba7204de39 | 4a3a95d68d85136618ab6f07674fb6ebd4a8e2fc373b5f5f9e0245d87ad9dfe3 |
27dc626f052cde7ca5c99e09ba2c3bc5 | 2bc44b1968fe3063310aea0ae3e7f56ccd826b1a | 6eebe78eaeed5994a575baa50964ee98edc0fbf03f23620aef0d76910754132f |
f5c257cf1b96459ad985de4ee778e995 | c67cd9c5412a076b742e88f939dae496bdadba6d | 79434f9046555e2d4233f903af2bd99834d0b1f4e2abde2ed8a1aa095bdb24c3 |
4b667f53cd0abb72a05e1d16dacb094c | be57121278042b33d0cda331c8ae0d3bcf8e76c9 | b1aa718183fa5059da99b9b5955b660dc495db375cf75e1d6731061e6492c408 |
a2e1a80759ff915c795823c511e3e4e2 | 946345327b619ccd2609fff063a5ad23ec55730f | d20d221d0b3a49133e9d50509380b20179132549182353ea97acad47bd25a137 |
65e4b959ba44711fa63f9a7fefe32c24 | f4bb8280e17617d6e0332776e2b197d51f76f0e1 | d931dba26eee7bdc532111f006ec7973176f6b6b5dda4d23ea3fa700ccc8aef0 |
3fbc9d18f8e94a0b5b1e39134be7c153 | be9a946fae242ff3b59ed41e0847338dfc90c58f | da58732f8c52ededed023e7d604dd10e295ad436884b990c8f13e6660cc42b5e |
dcabbd8c5904e246164411eb63730b76 | 0f5c254b6ae8acb1dfadc7e4422e0c275b6a43ce | f722df5995b24216d2b5b3607213e25c361eafd00ed988d130f66e93af3f8d67 |
f77a293d7128c66a2d18b48af317280c | 519fc698d92f19f569dc7a129a9baac483cff8d3 | fb3461c4514b421b60181102b33ac2ac683021ce57fcf7741334d6cafe68ab7f |
d13ea3bf14a05e4aa8d3f3aca89fe327 | 7330d8a5ca8f8dc85657c3ec54fc4ff51b5cc004 | 02ad851087bfb3a9fd7ead36727a4992de338de651fb9ff4c0269d5e2e55bce8 |
bc78a149c773196e9b7af9f2fef260e4 | 1333eb3ffe1dbd5efe7e2f2d70501ce715e833ff | 1579c6bcc9fa6f3565e3b74b26b5bf1c69c0671aec6bcace3d74d80fb4371c5b |
bb997e1a845b20dd5c9ebc18ac716af2 | 77d340f6f6e6f25c412ec866664ffcf3144ca0d9 | 1c8c4612142e65286f455ea64ba41e6870bf6424fe2ac587848b2b8bd89ebd3e |
11c6a227402d19f926adf61fdb6de824 | 4d5fb4a91875a8403c9894774635c4619e4659b1 | 61bd750ff7331471320abc06ad99b7289a5c44f417d136f8af1b7db25ac0cb35 |
7dfa0cc4f95933e169f38ca80a99c86d | 103d0125a56947ffa1783a46a14ceda30b6cea89 | 63c9f2a14e4edd0691ffc49e62d488077e6d6689d26e5af49fd8c392238bf1f7 |
97fbbb9968f5739a0cd7aadc1a1e254d | 76dda9bd72ef8a5a642a007b3074f922dc98d012 | a0d5afdbaa125751e238760386b08037c01d442aef37e12194b75d40dfa485c9 |
5eac13e41e72e235d9f0e303f36220a5 | a4b114b05eef3e9cb4109d8e76f27c8ed554d3ee | 2c27fad3bdeab8dab52b21562df4dbd8217a84fb2553c1f99de03d1c686137e7 |
7ef04955085db9621d592575b825a0e8 | 3ca892dceb68af13273e8877fde7776f043cb7e8 | 7348760bbb74159d0be1ebabe54c22f1e158780d9a76d0a73c5ed391491d563f |
e59107b5d4866ab8f87c7f4561fb0d97 | 39e904a06737e019fde4f47d1b13c264a76d3edc | af5eef159cf15e82dcf062a4865562b2721b2d1abb6dc26f454ba2b0008654cf |
1e0ca1718e360353953eb1994fe901fc | 7002f6f240ae07d4b4b4f7db7bcc889117abb4ef | e0bd309a63d0daf9b231e4017176f788e987255f558712f372b085c0c13085fc |
4527c576f1af0580c8d96ac23c8f761c | dac3bf00eeb34c9c1d9dca63973f2e04da045383 | 5dee2d0dd4d3eee97c372b6a8dbd3d3042d24b9483addfa9f8786617a88e268b |
b7a1f3c523644788977f45b1539d3d52 | 56bf9295b40a78534913a37095ff0abd8e8894ef | cca42f01a887d5261e9d389d8f82991c4a35c88eefd7e38afb90d70146ca15b0 |
33b6c435bdbbec12ae8cba21eb6d105f | 41d43dc4ec1187e6120f26158e074e39475b0815 | d4f4d3196d92b306f65ba4f1f90ec73403803530a58196b48db38210e3e3047d |
MITRE ATT&CK techniques
ID | Name | Description |
Resource Development | ||
T1585.001 | Establish Accounts: Social Media Accounts | Desert Dexter creates Telegram and Facebook* channels, mimicking existing news agencies to disseminate ad posts |
T1588.001 | Obtain Capabilities: Malware | The group modifies AsyncRAT by adding a script for communicating with a Telegram bot |
T1608.001 | Stage Capabilities: Upload Malware | Desert Dexter uploads malicious archives to the legitimate file-sharing service or Telegram channels |
T1608.006 | Stage Capabilities: SEO Poisoning | The group uses Facebook's* advertising system to attract more victims |
Initial Access | ||
T1566.002 | Drive-by Compromise | In its ad posts, the group provides a link to a RAR archive or a Telegram channel containing the archive |
Execution | ||
T1204.002 | User Execution: Malicious File | Desert Dexter attempts to trick victims into opening JavaScript or BAT scripts within the RAR archives |
T1059.001 | Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell | Desert Dexter uses PowerShell scripts for persistence, system and user data collection, and payload execution |
T1059.003 | Command and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command Shell | The group uses BAT scripts in the initial and intermediate stages of the attack |
T1059.005 | Command and Scripting Interpreter: Visual Basic | Desert Dexter employs VBS scripts in the intermediate stages of the attack |
T1059.007 | Command and Scripting Interpreter: JavaScript | The group utilizes JavaScript files in the initial and intermediate stages of the attack |
Persistence | ||
T1547.001 | Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder | To establish persistence, the group replaces the startup folder in the user's registry with C:\ProgramData\WindowsHost by altering the Startup value in the keys Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders and Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders |
Defense Evasion | ||
T1140 | Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information | Desert Dexter obfuscates both the scripts and the AsyncRAT code |
T1620 | Reflective Code Loading | The group uses a reflective loader written in C# to inject AsyncRAT into aspnet_compiler.exe |
Collection | ||
T1056.001 | Input Capture: Keylogging | Desert Dexter employs a modified version of AsyncRAT with an embedded offline keylogger that installs a keyboard hook using the SetWindowsHookEx function |
T1074.001 | Data Staged: Local Data Staging | Desert Dexter's modified AsyncRAT logs keystrokes and active process names to the %TEMP%\Log.tmp file |
T1113 | Screen Capture | The group deploys a script that takes a screenshot, saves it as %TEMP%\screenshot.png, and sends it to the Telegram bot |
Command and Control | ||
T1568 | Dynamic Resolution | Desert Dexter uses DDNS domains as C2 servers for AsyncRAT |
T1571 | Non-Standard Port | The group uses port 6161 for AsyncRAT communication |
Exfiltration | ||
T1020.001 | Automated Exfiltration | Desert Dexter's AsyncRAT modification includes the IdSender module, which collects information on the system, user, browser extensions, cryptocurrency wallet management software, and two-factor authentication extensions |
Impact | ||
T1657 | Financial Theft | The group can obtain credentials for cryptocurrency wallets |
Positive Technologies product verdicts
PT Sandbox
YARA rules
Verdict |
tool_win_ZZ_MalPowerShell__RiskTool__FromBase64 |
tool_mem_ZZ_AsyncRAT__Backdoor |
tool_win_ZZ_AsyncRAT__Backdoor__1 |
tool_win_ZZ_AsyncRAT__Backdoor |
Behavioral verdicts
Verdict |
Trojan.Win32.ObfBins.a |
Trojan.Script.Dropper.kvlmyu |
Trojan.Win32.Generic.a |
Trojan.Script.Generic.a |
Trojan-Dropper.Win32.LOLBin.a |
Trojan.PowerShell.Generic.a |
Trojan.Win32.Inject.a |
Trojan.Win32.Generic.f |
Trojan-Downloader.PowerShell.Generic.b |
Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Generic.n |
Network verdicts
Verdict |
REMOTE [PTsecurity] AsyncRAT sid: 10004947 |
SPYWARE [PTsecurity] Trojan.Spyware Telegram checkin (APT Desert Dexter) sid: 10012983 |
SUSPICIOUS [PTsecurity] PowerShell Execution sid: 10002387 |
LOADER [PTsecurity] Trojan.Loader fakeimage loading sid: 10008279 |
POLICY [PTsecurity] IP Check Domain TLS ( sid: 10007394 |
SUSPICIOUS [PTsecurity] QBot/AsyncRAT TLS JA3 fingerprint sid: 10007674 |
SUSPICIOUS [PTsecurity] Image Content type mismatch sid: 10007645 |
SUSPICIOUS [PTsecurity] Suspicious User-Agent (WindowsPowerShell) sid: 10008223 |
SUSPICIOUS [PTsecurity] POST Exfiltration via Telegram sid: 10009223 |
Verdict |
REMOTE [PTsecurity] AsyncRAT sid: 10004947 |
SPYWARE [PTsecurity] Trojan.Spyware Telegram checkin (APT Desert Dexter) sid: 10012983 |
SUSPICIOUS [PTsecurity] PowerShell Execution sid: 10002387 |
MaxPatrol SIEM
Verdict |
Execute_Malicious_Command |
Suspicious_Connection |
Script_Files_Execution |
Connect_Suspicious_File_To_API_Telegram |
DNS_Request_to_Suspicious_Domain |
MaxPatrol EDR
Behavioral verdicts
Verdict |
Suspicious_Create_Query_Dns_TelegramAPI |
Shadow_Screen_save |
Script_Files_Execution |
Malware_Trojan_Win32_Generic_a |
Windows_Autorun_Modification |
Suspicious_Create_Process_TaskKill_TerminateProcess |
Obfuscated_Powershell |
YARA rules
Verdict |
tool_win_ZZ_MalPowerShell__Dropper__PEInBase64 |
tool_win_ZZ_MalPowerShell__RiskTool__FromBase64 |
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