Positive Technologies MaxPatrol™ has been awarded Microsoft SQL Server 2012 CIS Security Software Certification

MaxPatrol™, Positive Technologies Vulnerability and Compliance Management solution, has today been awarded CIS security software certification in the area of Microsoft SQL Server. To obtain CIS certification a stringent set of criteria must be adhered to including submitting information on both the software tool being tested and the methodology used for testing.

Based in the US, the awarding body, CIS Security Benchmarks (a division of the Center for Internet Security), is a trusted, independent authority that establishes and promotes the use of consensus-based best practice standards to raise the level of security and privacy of information systems to ensure the integrity of Internet and non-internet based functions, both public and private, and the transactions on which society increasingly depends.

CIS certified security software tools have been tested to confirm that they accurately measure and report the conformity of computer configurations with the technical settings and actions defined in the Benchmarks.

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