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Trending vulnerabilities 2023

In 2023, Positive Technologies categorized a total of 110 security flaws as trending vulnerabilities. These are the most severe vulnerabilities, which must be remediated or compensated for as soon as possible. We isolate these from a large number of vulnerabilities that appear every day. Information about these vulnerabilities appears in MaxPatrol VM within 12 hours. This article takes a closer look at how we define trending vulnerabilities and lists the types of vulnerabilities that posed the greatest threat in 2023.

How to detect a cyberattack and prevent money theft

Each company has a certain list of business risks that can negatively affect its work and position in the market. Depending on the line of business, this may be, for example, the suspension of production processes, disruption of operations or damage to equipment, failure to fulfill contractual obligations, major financial losses, or leakage of sensitive information. Many of these risks can be a direct or indirect consequence of a cyberattack.

Top 5 technology trends for SIEM in the next three years

Security incident and event management (SIEM) software is developing in exciting ways. Here we will talk about some of the most promising technologies available today with the ability to better detect cyberincidents and avoid costly consequences. Positive Technologies experts have identified five key trends, with an assessment of current market penetration and quality of implementation for each.

What is a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack?

Cross-site scripting attacks, often abbreviated as XSS, are a type of attack in which malicious scripts are injected into websites and web applications and run on an end user’s platform. XSS attacks are a common and widespread type of attack, using unsanitized or unvalidated user inputs, aimed at the generated output.

What companies can do to stay safe

In a struggle to make cyberattack protection mechanisms more effective, companies may want to use specific security tools. However, a number of minimum obligatory measures should be taken to protect oneself. We have assembled these measures and created general recommendations that will enhance the security of any company, allow vendors to protect their products, and will surely help regular users to stay safe.

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