
Discover our in-depth analysis and expert insights into the latest cybersecurity trends, threats, and solutions. Stay ahead of the curve and keep your organization safe using the comprehensive and actionable information on this page provided by our experienced team of analysts and researchers. From data breaches to emerging technologies, we cover it all.

Pentesting results for 2023

This research describes the assessment of the security status of large Russian companies from different sectors of the economy using penetration testing. It describes both the goals of such work and the results shown by the PT SWARM team for 2023. The analysis describes vulnerabilities and categories of vulnerabilities that most often lead to the implementation of unacceptable events.
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Cybersecurity threatscape: Q1 2024

In Q1 2024, the number of incidents increased by 7% compared to the previous quarter. One of the most common consequences of successful cyberattacks was again the leak of confidential information—72% for individuals and 54% for organizations. Attackers more frequently used malware against individuals: the share of such incidents increased by 9% compared to the previous quarter, reaching 68%. In successful attacks on organizations, we see a reduction of 11% in the use of ransomware compared to the previous quarter (from 54% to 43%). Meanwhile, there was an increase in the use of remote access tools by attackers in attacks on both organizations (32%) and individuals (37%): an increase of 10% and 27% respectively compared to the previous quarter. Social engineering remains the most dangerous threat for individuals, accounting for 85% of such incidents, and one of the most popular attack vectors on organizations, accounting for 52%.
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Security of quantum technologies in IT

The processing power of traditional computers grows by the year. Transistor and microchip technology keeps evolving. Still, certain categories of mathematical problems remain far too complex for even the most powerful supercomputers to solve. The global community is researching technologies that can boost processing power and help to find more efficient ways of delivering sought-after solutions. Quantum computing is one of those evolving areas.
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The rise of autonomous SOCs: embracing AI-powered security operations for the ever-evolving threat landscape

For several years, the main challenges faced by traditional security operations Center (Soc) are increased and they have an impact on the overall effectiveness of information security incidents monitoring and response process. At the global level, there is a necessity to create new generation SoCs, capable to meet modern challenges. In this research, we talk about the key characteristics that new generation SOC should have in order to provide effective protection against modern cyber threats.
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Cyberthreats in the transportation industry

Transportation is a key economic sector. It spans a multitude of diverse companies engaged in logistics, urban transit, land and air cargo and passenger conveyance, and other activities. The transportation system performs critical functions that support nationwide objectives by connecting different areas of a country and sectors of the economy. Carriers also do business with large numbers of individuals and organizations involving significant funds. This is why transportation sector organizations attract the attention of both politically and financially motivated malicious actors as a key target for cyberattacks. According to our data, transportation was once again one of the 10 most targeted industries in 2023. This study looks at how malicious actors operate when they attack transportation sector companies, what consequences companies face as a result of these attacks, what cyberthreats can inflict irreparable damage, and most importantly, how to prevent these events from happening.
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