Positive Technologies' official statement following U.S. sanctions

As a company, we deny the groundless accusations made by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. In the almost 20 years we have been operating there has been no evidence of the results of Positive Technologies’ research being used in violation of the principles of business transparency and the ethical exchange of information with professional information security community.

Our global mission is to create products and technologies to improve cybersecurity around the world and to ensure conditions for the most efficient prevention of cyberattacks for the benefit of society, business, and government agencies. We do this regardless of geopolitical situation, with maximum openness and a focus on cooperation (including international cooperation).

Our technologies are used around the world, with thousands of companies in various fields of business as well as the government agencies of different countries trusting us to keep them safe. We have over 1,100 employees and earned RUB 5.6 billion according to the Russian Accounting Standards ($73 million) in 2020 (an increase of 55 percent from 2019). Over the last five years, our average growth has been 41 percent. We have been regularly rated by international research and advisory agencies as one of the fastest growing visionary companies that develop security and vulnerability management solutions.

Despite the fact that we are not a public company, the market evaluates our capitalization as high—several billion dollars. This demonstrates the level of interest in our technologies and a serious level of trust in the company. To maintain this trust, we adhere to the principles of maximum openness at all levels of our activities: from research to business, including the company's financial statements.

We are known to the global cybersecurity community as visionaries and leaders in ethical security research. Our researchers detect hundreds of zero-day vulnerabilities per year in IT systems of various classes and types. All of the vulnerabilities found, without exception, are provided to the software manufacturers as part of the responsible disclosure policy and are not made public until the necessary updates are released. Each such research is highly evaluated by the system manufacturers and is used to increase information security of their final product.

The traditions of transparency and openness are also reflected in Positive Hack Days, a forum that we have been holding since 2011. PHDays is a public platform for the exchange of expertise, learning, and advanced training in cybersecurity. Every year the forum attracts thousands of cybersecurity and business experts from different countries, representatives of the CTF movement, scientists, students, and even schoolchildren. Because of the pandemic, we have switched to a hybrid format, and, therefore, everything that happens at PHDays can be viewed by a wide audience online. We also provide simultaneous translation into English so that anyone from any part of the world can watch a presentation that is of interest to them. The event is fully open to watch and participate.

We truly think that geopolitics should not be a barrier to the technological development of society and we will continue to do what we do best—to protect and ensure cybersecurity around the world. That is why we continue to work under normal conditions, in full compliance with all of our obligations to our customers, partners, and employees.

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