Identifying attacks through the analysis of network traffic and information security events

July 6, 2023 15:00 GST

SIEM is a well-known class of cybersecurity solutions designed to provide visibility into infrastructure and detect security incidents. To respond to ever-evolving attacks, SIEM must also continuously evolve.

This webinar is about MaxPatrol SIEM, a Positive Technologies product, and how we enhance it for today's attacks and tomorrow's threats.

In order to identify advanced malicious attacks, it is necessary to enhance analysis of events from multiple sources within an infrastructure. For this, network traffic analysis is crucial, and can be accomplished using PT Network Attack Discovery (PT NAD).

During the upcoming webinar, we will showcase examples of PT NAD utilization and integration with MaxPatrol SIEM. The webinar will be of interest to SOC employees and anyone interested in information security.

Join our webinar on July 6, 2023 to learn more about Positive Technologies MaxPatrol SIEM and PT Network Attack Discovery expertise.

See you there,
The Positive Technologies team

Speaker: Maxim Maximovich,
Head of engineering, Positive Technologies